Thank you for your interest in registering as an expert on the AI4Media Media AI Observatory. We highly value your expertise and contributions to our goals.
Before proceeding with your registration, we want to provide you with important information about the registration process, how your information will be used, and your rights.
By registering as an expert, you are expressing your willingness to be featured on our Observatory page and be part of our network. The repository will be an expert mapping based on expertise aiming to enable further collaboration and future research to advance the field.
During the registration process, we will collect and store certain personal and professional information provided by you. This includes the below data in the table : your name, position, contact details, professional resume, areas of expertise, picture and any other relevant information you provide.
If accepted:
We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. Your data will be stored securely and will only be accessible to authorized personnel within the Media AI Observatory. We invite you to read the Observatory privacy policy accessible here
By registering as an expert, you are consenting to the collection, use, and storage of your information as described in this information sheet. You have the right to withdraw your consent and request the removal of your information from our platform at any time. Please contact us at if you wish to do so with preferably the following email subject: DELETE my profile on the Observatory.
We encourage you to keep your registered information up to date. If there are any changes for instance to your contact details or expertise areas, please notify us at with preferably the following email subject: EDIT my profile on the Observatory.
If you have any questions, concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our team at
By proceeding with your registration as an expert, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this information sheet and consent to the terms outlined herein.
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