05 . 09 . 2022 to 08 . 09 . 2022
Bologna (Italy)

ImageCLEF 2022 – Benchmark on visual information retrieval


5-8 September 2022 (Bologna, Italy)

AI4Media partner, UPB and HES-SO are organizing this year the ImageCLEF 2022 - Benchmark on visual information retrieval, which will take place in Bologna on 5 – 8 of September 2022. The ImageCLEF is organised as part of the CLEF Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, it provides an evaluation forum for the cross-language annotation and retrieval of images, aiming to support the advancement of the field of visual media analysis, indexing, classification, and retrieval, by developing the necessary infrastructure for the evaluation of visual information retrieval systems operating in both monolingual, cross-language and language-independent contexts. ImageCLEF aims at providing reusable resources for such benchmarking purposes, where several of these benchmarks are linked to AI4Media. More information about this event is available at https://www.imageclef.org/2022