24 . 07 . 2024

AI Café presents: AI’s Impact on Media and Democracy in the Global South

July 24th, 2024 from 14h to 15h CEST

Description of the Talk: 

AI is transforming media, but its effects on developing countries (Global South) are understudied. This talk explores how responsible use of AI can strengthen media and democracy in these regions. We'll look at real-world examples of AI solutions tailored to local needs, while acknowledging ethical concerns and ensuring AI is used responsibly.

Watch the recording: 

Meet the Speakers: 

Mathias Felipe de Lima Santos (Macquarie University)
Mathias Felipe de Lima Santos (Ph.D.) is a Lecturer (aka Assistant Professor) at Macquarie University. He is also a research associate in the Digital Media and Society Observatory (DMSO) at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), Brazil. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Human(e) AI and AI4Media projects at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and a researcher at the University of Navarra, Spain, under the JOLT project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020. Mathias-Felipe is co-editor of the book “Journalism, Data and Technology in Latin America” and the two-volume book “Fact-Checking in the Global South” both published by Palgrave Macmillan. Mathias-Felipe is currently part of the editorial board of Digital Journalism. His research interests include the changing nature of communications driven by technological innovations, particularly in journalism, media, and online social networks.



All the recordings of past AI-Cafés are available on this YouTube channel.


AI-Café Team


This Café is organized by Grassroots Arts. If you have questions about the organisation of this AI-Café or if you want to become a Speaker yourself in one of the next Web Cafe Sessions, please contact carmen@grassroots-arts.eu.

The recordings of the past Web Cafes you can find on our AI-Café video channel: https://www.gotostage.com/channel/ai-cafe. Here is the link to the AI-Cafe website: https://ai-cafe.eu/