11 . 10 . 2023

AI Café presents: AI, Data Spaces and Digital Product Passports, the new technological challenges for Circular Manufacturing

October 11th, 2023 from 14h to 15h CEST


Description of the Talk 

The Circular TwAIn (HOME) “AI Platform for Integrated Sustainable and Circular Manufacturing" is developing an ecosystem of product-process-human AI-based Digital Twins aiming at supporting Circular Manufacturing value networks in the domains of Car Batteries, PC Electronics and Petro-Chemical plants. On the one side, a Circular Manufacturing Data Space will be specified and implemented for the three domains also including Digital Product Passports and final Consumers where De- and Re- Manufacturers and Re-cyclers will be integrated into the usual Product Lifecycle Data Space. On the other side, the AI applications for LCA, CO2 footprint and End of Life optimisation will be made interoperable with the AIoD platform (HOME), supporting the joint development and provision of services for Manufacturing Circular value chains.

The speech will focus on how to design and implement Circular Manufacturing Data Spaces (stakeholders, data sources, industrial agreement) to make them compatible with intelligent smart Digital Twins and Digital Product Passports as well as the AIoD services.

Watch the Recording 



Sergio Gusmeroli - Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano (Italy).

Speaker´s Short Bio

Sergio Gusmeroli is a Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Born in Sondrio (Italy) in 1961, he finalized his education at Politecnico di Milano in 1986. After several experiences in different branches of the ICT domain, in June 2000, he was appointed director and operating manager of the International Research & Innovation Unit of TXT e-solutions, an IT company leader in EU for Supply Chain management solutions. In TXT he coordinated diverse FP7 EC-funded projects in the ICT for Manufacturing domain: COIN, MSEE, TELLME, FITMAN, OSMOSE. Since 2015, Sergio is Research Coordinator for Politecnico di Milano and has been coordinating the H2020 Factories of the Future PSYMBIOSYS, BEINCPPS and AI REGIO project.

Since July 2022, he's the technical coordinator of the Circular TwAIn Horizon Europe project about AI for Circular and Sustainable Manufacturing.

He is author of more than 30 publications / papers in Italian and International magazines and conferences. His main areas of competence and experience include AI for manufacturing, Internet of Things, Enterprise Interoperability, Digital Innovation Hubs.



All the recordings of past AI-Cafés are available on this YouTube channel.


AI-Café Team


This Café is organized by Grassroots Arts. If you have questions about the organisation of this AI-Café or if you want to become a Speaker yourself in one of the next Web Cafe Sessions, please contact carmen@grassroots-arts.eu.

The recordings of the past Web Cafes you can find on our AI-Café video channel: https://www.gotostage.com/channel/ai-cafe. Here is the link to the AI-Cafe website: https://ai-cafe.eu/