20 . 10 . 2022

AI-Café presents: Is Artificial Intelligence the future of wars?  

Do technologists and disarmament activists disagree on the use of lethal autonomous weapons?   

October 20th, 2022 (from 3PM to 4PM CEST)


Morten Irgens

Pro-rector Kristiania, Co-founder, Deputy Chair and Director of The Confederation of Laboratories of Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE), Vice President of The Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics Association (Adra), and a Member of the Board of The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA).

  • Morten will particularly focus on the what, why, and how of “killer robots”

Lene Grimstad

European coordinator of the Stop Killer Robots-campaign and Member of Board of The Norwegian Peace Association

  • Lene will particularly focus on Policy development and European state positions

Description of the Talk:

In the past, engaged collaborations between civil society and politicians brought us international agreements on cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines. As important as these results were, neither these weapons, nor banning them, can be said to be world-changing. 

But now the world is facing a technological development of a different calibre. Deep tech is not only disrupting markets, but military balances while putting some stark ethical and moral choices in front of us.

A few times in history technology creates a revolution in warfare. We are at such a time.  It is said that today’s arms race is not about nuclear weapons, but artificial intelligence.  

In this conversation, a technologist discusses autonomous lethal weapons, sometimes called “killer robots”, with an activist. Do they speak the same language? Do they understand the situation differently? Would they arrive at a common goal? Do they benefit from working together?  Are autonomous lethal weapons a good thing or a bad thing? Should they be regulated?  How? 

Watch the recording:

All the recordings of past AI-Cafés are available on this YouTube channel.

AI-Café Team

Carmen Mac Williams Organizer, and Moderator of the AI-Cafe. She is the Director of the company Grassroots Arts, and a partner in the European AI4media project.

Emma, co-organiser and co-moderator of the AI-Cafés. Research Assistants at Grassroots Arts.

This Café is organized by Grassroots Arts. If you have questions about the organisation of this AI-Café or if you want to become a Speaker yourself in one of the next Web Cafe Sessions, please contact carmen@grassroots-arts.eu.

The recordings of the past Web Cafes you can find on our AI-Café video channel: https://www.gotostage.com/channel/ai-cafe. Here is the link to the AI-Cafe website: https://ai-cafe.eu/