On June 25, 2021 May 4th, AI4media organised a technical workshop on Human- and Society-centred AI” via webex. The objective of the workshop was to present the recent research advances achieved in the AI4Media project on this domain, particularly addressing the following topics:
- the detection of deep fakes in multimedia content
- the dynamics of social media conversations
- the automatic analysis of political discourse
- the fusion of different signals for user behaviour characterization
- the human-centered analysis of news consumption, and
- the real-life effects of data sharing
The workshop aimed to allow a better understanding of the relation between AI and different aspects of news distribution and consumption, and contribute to the design of a healthier public debate, with a particular focus on societally impactful topics such as health and politics.
In addition to the interventions from AI4Media partners, the workshop also had two guest speakers:
- Elena Kochkina from the Queen Mary University of London presented a review of existing methods and challenges related to automated rumour verification.
- Oana Goga from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) discussed the very timely topic of political ads served on social networks.
Recording of the workshop: